@carol wow! A lot of life lived, and lived through. I am exhausted just reading about your activities. Best wishes ❤️
Lifenotes #29: April 2023
Turns out I do have ADHD 🧠
✨ Highlights
- Went to a triangirls event and it was really great 🍹
- Spent good friday in London doing fun things 😌
- Bought my car! 🚙🎉
- Attended our web day in the office and met some of my lovely colleagues in person 💛
- Got diagnosed with ADHD (finally!)
- Went to see Suzi Ruffell with Nisha and laughed so much my jaw hurt 😄
🎮 Played/Read/Watched
- The crane wife by CJ Hauser
- Ted Lasso series 3: was a fun watch as usual, and I enjoyed the ending 😊
- Grace and Frankie series 7: was a fun series, but I think I’m kinda done with this show.
- CODA: really enjoyed this one, I love Marlee Matlin, so was treat to see her as a lead.
- Jury Duty: I started watching this cause the premise was funny, but I kinda trailed off halfway.
- Atlanta series 3: this series had a bit more abstract / disconnected stories, but I really enjoyed them, as well as the main character stories, which were great as usual.
- Fire of love: this is a beautiful documentary! I knew nothing about them or much about vulcanology, so it was really interesting, and all the imagery is very striking.
- Boom for Real: The Late Teenage Years of Jean-Michel Basquiat: very interesting doc about how Basquiat started his career, and the people who surrounded him at the time.
- Me before you: this was a sad romcom of sorts, but both leads were great in it, it was a good watch.
- Finished God of War: well kinda, still need to kill the Valkyrie Queen and the Berserker King, but I got a little distracted by Zelda so I’ll do it later. This was great fun, the story was good, and there’s nothing more cathartic than cleaving monsters in half with a big fuck off axe 🤷♀️
- Suits: wanted some easy background TV, and this fit the bill. It was most fun at the start, and then it jumped the shark a couple of times.
- Nothing drains you like mixed emotions by Arthur C. Brooks
- Smiling to death: the hidden dangers of being ‘nice’ by Joanna Cheek
- How this woman creates God of War’s sound effects - WIRED
- The Royal Tenembaums: this is Jonathan’s fave and I hadn’t seen it, so we watched it together, it was a really fun watch 💛
- Make love not war: talking with the creator of the first software easter egg by “Critical Kate” Willaert
- Horizon Forbidden West: Burning shores: I freaking love horizon, so any excuse to play more is a treat, plus we got 🌈 GAY ALOY 🌈
📸 Pics

2 Replies
- @johnwithbeard thank you John! ????