Lifenotes #6: January 2021
The one with all the snow.
Hey pals! I clearly cannot be trusted to write every week, so I’m turning my weeknotes into monthly reviews. Here are the headlines for January:
😄 Good stuff
- We got some snow here in Notts. It was a nice little shake up to the lockdown routine.
- I got into hand embroidery and it’s great fun!
- Had a call with the mental health nurse at my GP surgery, and “aced” the ADHD triage questionnaire, so I’m being referred for a proper assessment.
- Got some good speakers for my desk, so the vibes have gone 📈 📈 📈
☹️ Bad stuff
- Our house buying process is dragging on, the bank is being nitpicky about documents, and everything takes an age.
- My setup has been really annoying lately. I managed to get the monitor replaced, but I’m still having some issues, so now to figure out if it’s the cables or the macs.
- My routine hasn’t been great, which in turn makes me feel not great.
🎮 Played/Read/Watched
- We whizzed through AC Origins and are now making our way through AC Odyssey. I love Kassandra! She’s rad, and hits on everyone, sometimes at very inappropriate times, which is hilarious 😄
- Started reading Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo, and I’m really enjoying it. Thanks, work secret santa 🙌🏼
- Thom told me all about the Royal Institution’s Christmas Lectures and we watched a couple of them. They’re awesome!
- We’ve been mostly rewatching films instead of watching new ones. The ones we rewatched in January were Die Hard 2, Falling Down and The Big Short - such a great film.
📸 Pics