Rebuilding my site - Part 3: Plugins
Time to get back on RSS.
This part should be super speedy! There were a couple of plugins I wanted to get added early on, so I’m getting them in now:
This one was very straightforward, straight from the docs onto the site 😄
In future, as I add more IndieWeb functionality and therefore different types of content, I might split feeds, but for now, a simple one will do 🙌🏼
Code highlighting
This one wasn’t necessarily hard, but it had a bit more ✨ spice ✨ to it 😄
Again, I used the 11ty plugin listed on their docs with all the default settings, so hooking it up was a breeze!
For the theme, I decided to go for a PrismJS adaptation of Night Owl, by Sarah Drasner ✨ It wasn’t CDN hosted, so I pulled the file and included it in my site.
This is my first CSS file, so I ended up adding a hatch into my base page layout that makes it really easy for me to include CSS and JS files only on the pages that need them. I got it from Evan over at the Piccalilli Discord 🙌🏼
Here’s the code I added to the base layout:
{% for script in extraScripts %}
<script src="{{ script | url }}></script>
{% endfor %}
{% for stylesheet in extraStyles %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ stylesheet | url }}" />
{% endfor %}
Then I added this to the blog post layout:
- /styles/code.css
And done! Said it was gonna be quick 💨